Over the last year and a half, I have had the pleasure of working with a conscientious group of students who were invested in their classes, passionate about their interests, and active in their communities despite an unexpected pandemic that changed our world. I won't recount the losses, but I will acknowledge that I heard the anxiety of uncertainty, the frustration of cancellations, and the sadness that comes with unique and hard-earned opportunities missed. Through it all, they persevered!
Collectively, they submitted over 263 applications, and that doesn’t even include the film, music, honors, and scholarship applications, which required several more hours of essay writing, filmmaking, auditioning, and interviewing. Through their hard work and dedication, they received numerous acceptances to colleges and honors programs as well as thousands of dollars in scholarships.
American University
Appalachian State University
Auburn University
Berklee College of Music*
Boston University
Clemson University
DePaul University
Drexel University
Duke University*
Elon University
Emory University*
Florida State University*
Furman University
George Washington University
Georgia College
Georgia Institute of Technology*
Georgia State University
Indiana University
Johns Hopkins University
Kennesaw State University
Louisiana State University
Loyola Marymount University
Mercer University
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
North Carolina State University
Syracuse University
Texas Christian University
Tufts University
Tulane University*
University of Alabama*
University of Arizona
University of California – Los Angeles
University of California – San Diego
University of California – Santa Barbara
University of Colorado – Boulder
University of Florida*
University of Georgia*
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Maryland*
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
University of Miami
University of Michigan*
University of Minnesota
University of North Carolina*
University of Pittsburgh
University of South Carolina
University of Southern California
University of Tennessee
University of Texas*
University of Toronto
University of Virginia
University of Wisconsin*
Washington University in St. Louis
Congratulations to the Class of 2021! You are a resilient bunch. You made it, and the future is in your hands!